the header of the filtered column has a small icon of a filter (at the bottom-left of the filter button) indicating that the column has a filter applied to it.
Method 1: Using the FILTER function to Filter. The FILTER function is a powerful tool for filtering data in Google Sheets. It allows you to filter data based on a variety of criteria, including cell values. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the FILTER function to filter data ...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to filter data in Excel in different ways: how to create filters for text values, numbers and dates, how to use filter with search, and how to filter by color or by selected cell's value. You will also learn how to remove filters, and how to f...
This tutorial demonstrates how to use a custom AutoFilter in Excel and Google Sheets. Custom Text AutoFilter Using a custom text AutoFilter, you can filter a list of data by a specific condition you set (for example, if a cell contains, begins with, or ends with a text or similar). ...
Alternative Options to Filter Multiple Criteria in Excel TheFILTERfunction is available only forOffice 365. Here are some alternatives: To find the years whenItalywas thehost country or champion, use the below formula: =IF((C5:C25="Italy")+(D5:D25="Italy"),B4:B24,"") ...
How to Add a Filter in Excel Step 1Open WPS Spreadsheet Step 2Select the Data Range Click on any cell within the data range you want to filter. Step 3Go to the "Data" tab on the Excel ribbon at the top of the window. In the "Sort & Filter" group, you'll find a button labeled...
Example 3: How do I sum filtered cells in Google Sheets? Use this formula: =SUM(FILTER($B$2:$B$95, MONTH($A$2:$A$95)=12)) We’ve done two things: i) changed the filter range to column B (but not the test conditions!) to get the values, and ii) wrapped the filter functio...
Method 1 – Add Filter in Excel Using Home Tab Select a random cell in the range or the whole range => navigate to theHometab =>Editinggroup =>Sort & Filterdrop-down => selectFilter. It’ll add the filter button to the headers of the columns. ...
If you work with data that needs to be split—like separating first and last names, or splitting an address that's in one column into separate street address, city, state, and ZIP Code columns—spreadsheets will take care of it for you. Here's how to split text in Excel and Google Sh...
To reference a cell, alphanumeric code is used – letters for columns and numbers for rows. For example,A1is the first cell in columnA. There are 3 types of Google Sheets cell references: Relative: A1 Absolute: $A$1 Mixed (half relative and half absolute): $A1 or A$1 ...