Once you send Forms W-2 to your employees, you don’t have to worry about the annual form until next year. Or, do you? If you don’t know how to fill out Form W-2, you may run into problems. Your employees might come to you with questions about Form W-2. And, your employees...
The process of inserting cells within a cell is super easy if you use Windows 10. All you need to do is to start the Microsoft Excel software and load your desired Excel spreadsheet. Here's how to enter in Excel within a cell the right way: 1. Start by clicking on a ce...
You’ve got a few forms to fill out and decisions to make. Even if it’s not your first new job, the W-4 form isn’t what it used to be, and there’s a brand new I-9 as of August 2023. Do you have a strategy for your company 401(k) (or other) retirement plan, medical...
Learn how to write the perfect marketing plan, and check out our curated lists of real-world examples of both marketing plans and marketing strategies.
The Excel Function of Fill Down Here are some ways you can make the most out of the Fill Down function in Excel. Copying Formulas:You cansimply select the fill handle of the selected cell where the formula is implemented and drag it either below or adjacent to the cell.The applied formula...
1. Apply a solid fill to the path. 2. Object>Rasterize. 3. Object>Create Object Mosaic. Use Ratio. Delete Raster. 4. Ungroup. 5. Select one of the resulting white rectangles. Select>Same>Fill & Stroke. 6. Delete. 7. Select all the remaining rectangles....
Then max out your 401(k):If you’ve maxed out your IRA and you’re still able to save more, you can turn back to your 401(k) and add more up until the maximum annual contribution. Taxable accounts:If you’re able to save even more, then you can add money to a taxable account,...
Applies a fill to pencil strokes you draw after selecting this option, but not to existing pencil strokes. Remember to select a fill before you draw the pencil strokes. Alt/ Option Key Toggles To Smooth Tool Option With this checkbox enabled, while using the Pencil tool or the Brush tool,...
Now, if you're like me and has extraneous design elements floating outside your main artboard for future use, my suggestion is to place these on a separate layer. Lock this layer and hide it when you're ready to export a copy of the main work. This way, you ...
Everyone else has to take a few more steps. Say your tax situation is simple: You have one job, no spouse, no children, and you don't itemize deductions. Just fill out Step 1 and sign the form. You're done. Step 2: Indicate Multiple Jobs or a Working Spouse ...