If you imported your 1099-R, double-check to make sure the import exactly matches the copy you received. If you enter your 1099-R manually, be sure to enter everything on the form exactly. Box 1 shows the amount converted to the Roth IRA. It’s $7,200 in our example. It’s norma...
Introduce the problem Let's discuss the command list optimization here. Background: GPU supports command list to store all drawing commands to a list and flush at once for better performance. Now with the new draw unit implementation, ho...
I work on a product that has an MCF5329 with a QSPI connected to three MCP2515 chips. We also have an ADC on the same SPI bus. So we have a lot of code handling CAN over the MCP2515's accessed via the QSPI. CAN is hard enough to get right. The MCP2515 makes it a ...
Also complete IRS Form 5329 unless you are 59 1/2 years old. If you are 59 1/2 years old, you do not owe the early withdrawal penalty and don't need to fill out the form. Otherwise, on Form 5329, calculate your 10 percent early withdrawal penalty. If an exception applies in your ...
start() for x in enumerate(inputs): # fill queue with inputs inq.put(x, block=False) for _ in range(NPROC): # sentinel to signal empty inq.put((None, None)) # get results and close pool results = [outq.get() for _ in range(NINPUTS)] for proc in pool: proc.join() bar...
I'm tired of this nonsense. There's NO excuse for the EA APP to be this bad - especially coming from a company as big as EA. I'm playing through Jedi Fallen Order again. Nearly every time I exit the game there's some sort of 'cloud save error.' Then if I start...