Cremation urns are used to hold the cremated remains of loved ones so that you can either spread the ashes at a site sacred to the individual or keep them on display as a gentle reminder of your lost loved one. Urns come in two forms: a box form and a vase form. Each is opened a...
Bios Urn Love ®is a pack of companion urns which contains two biodegradable Bios Urns®.Each urn is designed to contain a tree seed or seedling, so that two loved-ones can grow together as trees in the after-life, side by side. Bios Urn Love® is a pack of two ur...
When choosing cremation services, you have a lot of choices. You can choose to scatter the cremated remains at a cemetery, have the ashes reburied, or even choose to display the urn in your home. The choices are nearly endless. This article will explore the different options you have and...
The Bios Urn® should be able to sit comfortably on top of the soil, and close to the surface of the planter. 2. Place the ashes in the bottom capsule of the Bios Urn®. If the ashes do not fill all of the Bios Urn, be sure to add additional compost to the Bios Urn until ...
You can say a doggy prayer or add flowers atop your dog’s remains before you fill the hole, or you can immediately begin burial. Halfway through refilling, you may want to spread a thin layer of kitty litter to block any decomposition odors that will attract the attention of other animal...
Purchasing or providing your own casket or cremation container; Selecting a cemetery and plot; and Picking out a headstone, grave marker, or urn. Making purchases Finally, there are numerous costs when it comes to planning a funeral that the person in charge has to manage. Thecost of a fune...
Large Planturn Cremation Urn in Elm & Pecan $615.00 Add to cart Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance Children go through many of these stages, just like everyone else. It just gets played out a little differently. For instance,denial. The child could simply ignore or not accept the ...
Once theappropriate officials fill out the necessary paperwork,the bodywill berefrigerated orembalmed. If there are no plans for public viewing, or if the body is going to be cremated, the family members can choose not to embalm a loved one’s body. If embalming is not completed, the body...
You may even decide to get another dog to fill the void in your family. There are so many good dogs that need loving homes, and offering your heart to your next fur kid is a great way to find healing and a sense of purpose after loss. ...
cremation. Furthermore, our Private Package includes a Beautiful Wooden Urn, Remembrance Paw Print, Hair Clipping, and also a Rainbow Bridge Poem. Our Aquamation turnaround time schedule is anywhere from 7-10 days. Most noteworthy, our process is the ONLY process that is as similar to Mother...