Analyze the facts of your case to ensure that the Rochester small claims court is the proper court to file your lawsuit. Either the incident giving rise to the lawsuit must have occurred in Rochester or Monroe County or else the defendant must live in Rochester or Monroe County. Video of th...
How to win in small-claims courtFeatures advice on how to win in small-claims courts. Definition of a small-claims court; How to initiate a lawsuit; Choosing between self-representation or a lawyer; Knowing the person or establish...
Knowing the defendant's correct address also ensures that the plaintiff is suing in the right small claims court, known as "having proper venue." If a person files in the wrong county, the court will dismiss their case without prejudice, meaning they will have to refile in the correct coun...
How To Win Your Case In Small Claims Court Without A LawyerCharlie Mann
How to File a Small Claims Suit in Arizona Image Credit:desertsolitaire/iStock/GettyImages Arizona's Justice Court oversees small claims when the plaintiff is seeking relief of $3,500 or less.Title 22 of Arizona Revised Statutesgoverns the adjudication of small claims for the entire state, so...
State courts in North Carolinainclude: the State Supreme Court, courts of appeals, superior courts, district courts, trial courts, business courts and small claims courts. Bankruptcy courts are not among them. Bankruptcy cases are federal proceedings, so a bankruptcy case must be filed in the U...
You can choose to take less money to put some cash in your account, use a collection agency, or take a non-paying client to small claims court. (Your attorney is best suited to advise you on what to do here.) But sometimes, the amount of the unpaid invoice isn’t significant enough...
haven’t secured payment for your services, you may decide to escalate the issue and explore other options. You can hire a lawyer to get legal advice and send a formal demand letter requesting payment. You can also look into collection agencies or take the client to small claims court. ...
At some point during the process a small keypad next to you will light up and scream at you to input a password. All China bank passwords are 6 digits long and you’ll probably have to input it a few times while you’re there. That’s it! You should walk away immediately with a ...
Under the FCRA, consumers also have a right to: Verify the accuracy of their report when it's required for employment purposes Receive notification if information in their file has been used against them in applying for credit or other transactions ...