Analyze the facts of your case to ensure that the Rochester small claims court is the proper court to file your lawsuit. Either the incident giving rise to the lawsuit must have occurred in Rochester or Monroe County or else the defendant must live in Rochester or Monroe County. Video of th...
If the defendant is not a resident of South Carolina, you can file the case in the county where you live. Advertisement The South Carolina Judicial Department provides alist of each county's magistrates and court locations. Complete the Complaint Form To initiate a small claims suit in magistra...
This Aspatore legal title provides a complete guide to defending actions brought in the People's Court. Whether you are a young lawyer who has just been handed a file and told that the case is going to be tried tonight, or an experienced p...
Small claims cases must be filed in person unless the person filing them lives out of state. Attorneys who file a claim for a client must eFile them. However, an individual can file the documents themselves and have their attorney enter an appearance (present a legal document to the court s...
File the complaint. For a small claims lawsuit, you can visit your local courthouse for a small claims booklet and forms instructing you on how to begin your suit for unpaid debt. For both small claims and civil suits, a complaint will need to be filed detailing the amount of the debt,...
In general, judgements levied on you through a small claims court case are not deductible expenses on your tax return. However, any attorney or legal fees you pay may be deductible. The IRS allows you to deduct legal fees if you paid the fees in an attempt to produce or collect taxable ...
Wisconsin small claims court handles personal injury cases seeking $5,000 or less. Claims over $5,000 must be filed in civil court. The Wisconsin court system and WI State Law Library provide resources including guides on how to file. Pursuing a lawsuit on your own will require investing tim...
How To Win Your Case In Small Claims Court Without A LawyerCharlie Mann
Most claims settle after a few rounds of counteroffers with the adjuster. Still, it’s good to know your options if negotiations fail or your claim is denied. Your options may include litigation in small claims court or a premises liability lawsuit in district court, depending on the amount...
You can choose to take less money to put some cash in your account, use a collection agency, or take a non-paying client to small claims court. (Your attorney is best suited to advise you on what to do here.) But sometimes, the amount of the unpaid invoice isn’t significant enough...