Even College and University students are required to apply for the KRA iTax Pin in order to be advanced theHELB loan. He/she is also obligated to file back the KRA itax returns every year. To file back KRA iTax Returns every year is a right and an obligation of every adult citizen in ...
Every Person with a KRA Pin NumberMUSTfile back his/herKRA Tax Returnsevery year whether they are employed or not. Therefore, even unemployed individuals and College/University students are required to file back KRA Tax Returns in the form of a KRA Nil return. Failure to file back your KRA ...
This post will guide you on how to file KRA returns on iTax. iTax system literally implies the type of tax system that is been founded by the KRA to take the place of the recently used online system – http://www.kra.go.ke/index.php/kra-portal. Every citizen is expected within a g...