I too want divorce from my wife. She has deserted my for two years. What should I do? 1. Should I allow it become ex-parte divorce. 2. Should In contest the divorce and expect her to come down to mutual? 3. Should I file Written Statement with Counter Claim for Divorce for Deserti...
For example, quitclaim deeds are a fast and easy way for an individual to transfer property they own personally into a living trust. Another popular use is to transfer one spouse's interest in the family home after a divorce. Quitclaims are also quick solutions for correcting errors in prior...
For example, quitclaim deeds are a fast and easy way for an individual to transfer property they own personally into a living trust. Another popular use is to transfer one spouse's interest in the family home after a divorce. Quitclaims are also quick solutions for correcting errors in prior...
Include a no-contest clause.You can add a no-contest clause (also called an “in terrorem” clause) to your will to discourage beneficiaries from challenging it. A no-contest clause states that anyone who contests your will and loses won’t get any inheritance that they otherwise would be ...
How to Change Your Name What is a DBA? Most Profitable Small Business Ideas What Is a Registered Agent? How to Conduct a Trademark Search What is the Divorce Process? How to Find Out if a Business Name is Taken? What is an Affidavit? What is a Prenuptial Agreement?©...
If you and your spouse haven’t already done so, file for divorce in order to initiate the custody modification process. Your ex-spouse will probably contest the divorce and request that you get a divorce lawyer. If you don’t get a divorce lawyer, your ex-spouse might take your case to...
So what do you need to know? This table shows some of the main costs to consider when getting a divorce. Can you do it for less? Although the process had become a lot more straightforward with the introduction of no-fault divorces, some solicitors s...
A change in law that allows for a "no-fault divorce" means for the first time a court does not have to assign blame to one member of the couple and that people can file for divorce together. "That means that you are starting the divorce process in a more constructive manne...
Another article you may find helpful is this one on parenting after divorce: https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/parenting-after-divorce-9-ways-to-parent-on-your-own-terms/ WE appreciate you being part of our Empowering Parents community. Be sure to check back and let us know...
The person receiving the petition has a specified amount of time, usually 30 days, to file aresponse. This will either indicate they agree with the divorce or that they choose to contest it either based on the grounds for the divorce, or they disagree with proposed child support, custody, ...