If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic. While penalties and fees are associated with filing your ITR after the due date, it’s still better to file late than not at all. In this blog post, we’ll go through the step-by-step process of filing income tax returns after t...
Do remember that as in case of other TDS, any TDS done with respect to your EPF withdrawal will also reflect in your Form 26AS. You have to show it in your ITR. EPF Form 15G – How to fill online for EPF withdrawal? Now you have understood the TDS rules applicable to EPF and als...
Presumptive income for Businesses:The taxpayers who have opted for a presumptive taxation scheme under section 44AD have to pay the whole amount of their advance tax in one installment on or before 15 March. They also have an option topay all of their tax dues by 31 March. Who doesn’t ...
Reason of rejection of EPF Withdrawal : FATHER”S NAME OF MEMBER DIFFERS WITH CLAIM FORM.We assume that once we have provided the correct data, things would be fine and we don’t bother to check the details. For example our employer deducts the Provident Fund money and we check the paysl...
If OTP is sent successfully, then you will get the OTP on your mobile number registered with the UAN. The message would beDearMr.ABC XYZ. Your OTP corresponding to OTP id 6000 is 3937. Enter this pin to set a new password for your account.Please use the pin and not the OTP id. ...