If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic. While penalties and fees are associated with filing your ITR after the due date, it’s still better to file late than not at all. In this blog post, we’ll go through the step-by-step process of filing income tax returns after t...
The Income Tax Return or ITR that most people refer to is actually the annual tax form that individuals file every April 15th of the following year. This form summarizes all of the income (or loss) you have incurred for the past year. With the new Tax Reform Laws (TRAIN), there are n...
(v) Information is denied.Provide feedback in AIS and If you have missed to report same in ITR then file revised ITR. You have to select from the following options: Yes, ITR can be revised u/s.139(5) even after Processing of ITR! What happens after submission of online response? The...
at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.next(ArrayList.java:831) at Main.main(Main.java:29) In order to fix the above code, you just need to remove the loans.remove(loan) with the itr.remove() method, which is explained in the next example. Though, if you want to know more about Iterator and...
Go tohttps://incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in/and login with your ‘User ID’ (i.e. PAN), ‘DOB’ and ‘Password’. Now click on tab titled ‘e-File’ and select ‘Prepare & Submit Online Form (Other than ITR)’ from the drop down menu. ...
You need to fill it up properly and send it to abhuydaivibhag@patanjaliayurved.org with other documents asked in the form such as last year ITR and balance sheet.Patanjali will examine your financial strength, experience, and capability to carry on the business and on the basis of the...
std::vector<CONNECTEDSOCKET>::iterator itrConnSock;itrConnSock =pServerConMgr->m_vConnectedSocket.begin();timeval tv;tv.tv_sec = 2;tv.tv_usec = 0;nSelectRetVal = select(NULL,&fdRead,NULL,&fdExcept,&tv);if (nSelectRetVal > 0){...
Molecular methods of species delineation are rapidly developing and widely considered as fast and efficient means to discover species and face the 'taxonomic impediment’ in times of biodiversity crisis. So far, however, this form of DNA taxonomy frequen
EPF Withdrawal before 5 years,TDS,Form 15G,Tax and ITR Hope it helped you to do EPF Withdrawal. Where did you find problem while filing ITR? === I have resigned my job, i would like claim my PF and Pension amount, what is the procedure, i should claim both amount at a time ...
at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.next(ArrayList.java:831) at main.java.Example.main(Example.java:25) The exception is thrown because: We create an iterator of the ArrayList. We remove an object using the remove method, rather than the iterator’s own remove metho...