Discover how to file a tax return without a headache. Learn how to file a tax return correctly and simplify the income tax filing process.
Alabama, California and Georgia storm victims are also being offered an extension until May 15 for certain tax return filings and payments. As always if you don't think you can meet the April deadline, then you should request an extension. 3 benefits of filing taxes early There are many...
Even if taxpayers don't owe any taxes for the latest year, Susswein urges them to file a return so they don't miss out on receiving theEarned Income Tax Credit (EITC), should they qualify for it. Susswein said the credit is meant to help low- to moderate-income workers receive money...
Unless your LLC elects to be taxed as a C corporation, it is considered a “pass-through” entity—meaning your company’s profits skip federal corporate taxes and are instead taxed a single time at the personal-income level of the LLC’s members. At the state level, Georgia tax authoriti...
Starting an LLC in Georgia doesn't have to be complicated. Learn how to form an LLC in Georgia now, using our free step-by-step guide.
Prescription drugs are exempt in most states exceptIllinois and Georgia who charge a reduced sales tax rate. And if it’s clothing you sell, Pennsylvania has a zero-tax rate. Each state decides which items are and are not taxable. To ensure you’re charging the correct tax, go to your ...
How to file for unemployment benefits online in Georgia Where to file a claim: Click here to get to the new claims page at Georgia Department of Labor. The fine print: If you live in Georgia, you must also register for employment services at EmployGeorgia after filing your claim. What ...
There are two things in life that are inevitable: taxes and death. Unlike the latter most people need help with taxes at one point or another in their lifetime. With so many forms, deductions, credits and yearly tax law changes it can be difficult to kee
Presently, we use a 3rd party logistics company operating out of Texas and Georgia to get shipments out of the USA would this have any influence on where we should form our LLC? Thank you Great job by the way Reply Matt Horwitz August 14, 2018 Hey Dave, I would recommend looking furth...
Georgia is a great place to start an LLC, with affordable costs and a supportive business environment. Discover how to form an LLC in Georgia with our guide.