Recently, a children’s math app had overlapping buttons when viewed horizontally on the iPad. I saw a child struggling to turn the iPad side to side in order to properly use the app and interact with it. The kicker is that it is an app meant for the iPad. My car won’t connect to...
The Neural Engineering Framework (Eliasmith & Anderson, 2003) is a long-standing method for implementing high-level algorithms constrained by low-level neurobiological details. In recent years, this method has been expanded to incorporate more biological details and applied to new tasks. This paper ...
One of the best ways to ensure you stay on track is by setting milestones or checkpoints for your book. The milestones you choose to set are whatever are the best fit for your book and way of working, but you might want to consider: Setting weekly and monthly benchmarks. Tracking progr...
About This Video This video demonstrates a way to apply tilt effect on controls in Windows Phone 7 application. The sample shows how to give a little motion to standard controls during manipulations (i.e. when they are being touched).
Publishing your own original research is a great way toearnfree promotion for your blog. By original research, I’m talking about things like case studies, survey reports, etc. The great thing about these types of blog posts is that they’re often referenced by other blogs and publications....
First, you need to install and activate theSearchWPplugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide onhow to install a WordPress plugin. Upon activation, you need to visit theSearchWP » Settingspage and switch to the ‘General’ tab. Enter your plugin license key, which you can fin...
Auto sign-in to a "work or school account" on Windows 10 Autologin for domain joined computers Automate running Microsoft Fixit Uninstaller Tool On Multiple Systems? Automatic opening of an Excel file at start up Azure Joined PC no longer shows local accounts at login scree after Backgr...
电影介绍4D辅导(Intro to Cinema 4D Tutorial) 003 看电影4D基本工具_R10_(003 Cinema 4D Basic Tools_R10_) 看电影4D基本工具(Cinema 4D Basic Tools) 004 在电影中创造DNA链4D_R10_(004 Create a DNA Strand in Cinema 4D_R10_) 在电影中创造DNA链4D(Create a DNA Strand in Cinema 4D) 005...
This is the second part of the text reveal described above. I'll continue showing you all the steps involved in making this animation, and I'll also introduce you to the very usefulMotion Toolby Mt. Mograph. It's a third-party extension that will give you access to a whole new panel...
4. A team may beremovedfrom the “under consideration” board at any time if it receivesall but threeeligible votes. When a motion is made to remove multiple teams at once, and one of the schools is represented by a member of the committee, two separate motions shall be made: one incl...