You are probably aware that if you fail to pay your credit card bills or other loans on time, your credit rating can suffer as a result. Not paying your income taxes on time could potentially have similar results to your credit rating. Watch this video t
Make sure everyone is in a safe location after the accident and call the police. Depending on the accident’s severity, you may need to call 911 for medical assistance. Take pictures of the damage, both yours and that of the other party. Do not admit liability even if you think you may...
This is not sufficient for a PLLC. Massachusetts requires the inclusion of details about the professional services that your company will provide (e.g., that you will be practicing law or providing medical services). Additionally, you’ll need to provide the names and addresses of each member ...
To qualify for a PLUS loan, the borrower also must not have an adverse credit history, which is defined as having a serious delinquency of 90 or more days on at least $2,085 in debt in the past two years or having a bankruptcy discharge, foreclosure, repossession, tax lien, wage garnis...
You have two or more non-medical debt collections that are recently past due. If you have negative public records A tax lien was placed on your assets (for example, due to a failure to pay sufficient taxes on time). A judgment was passed against you (for example, due to litigation). ...
Nevertheless, before trying any home method, you need to consult your doctor carefully. If you start to feel drowsy after taking an overdose of a medication, starting a brand new medication, or having a head injury, you also need to meet your doctor for proper diagnosis and medical advice....
The Taxpayer Advocate Service could help get the lien lifted. Another example would be needing your tax refund as soon as possible to avoid eviction; the service might be able to expedite your refund. Multiple IRS units Problems can arise when a taxpayer has a problem that involves multipl...
Here are the general steps involved in using a mechanic’s lien: The contractor must ensure that they meet the specific requirements set by state laws to be eligible for filing a lien. The contractor files a preliminary notice, notifying the property owner about their right to file a mechanic...
The funds from a cash-out refinance can be used as the borrower sees fit, but many typically use the money to pay for big expenses such as medical or educational fees, toconsolidate debt, or as anemergency fund. Getting cash by using the equity in your home can be an easy way to get...
2. Judgment Lien Any sort of lender — credit card, medical or other creditor — can hit you with a judgment lien if they file a lawsuit against you for money you owe. A judge awards the lender a right to your property for the amount claimed in the lawsuit. Lenders use judgment liens...