you may want to file a tax return anyway. If you have federal taxes withheld from your income, you can only receive a tax refund when too much is withheld.
Your small business taxes are based on the type and structure of your business. If you recently started a small business, you might be wondering which forms you need to file and what your tax obligations are as a business owner. Check out this small busi
You will learn who pays taxes, how corporate taxes work, and what exactly state and federal governments do with all that money. The topic of this book will be how to file your taxes and what options you have after that. This book will also discuss why some individuals pay more taxes tha...
First and foremost, it’s important to figure out whether or not you need to file income taxes at all. Most people will be required to pay federal income tax in 2024, but this depends on a number of factors, such as your gross annual income, your tax filing status, your age, and ot...
When Your Child Must File a Tax Return Some people mistakenly believe their child's status as adependentmeans they don't have to file taxes. However, dependent child status does not excuse your child from filing an income tax return in certain situations. A child who meets any one of these...
The self-employment tax consists of Social Security and Medicare taxes, but you might have other taxes to pay as well.
Calculate your total self-employment tax: Once you make your calculations for your Social Security and Medicare taxes, you can simply add these numbers together to determine your grand total. 5. File your self-employment tax annually If you’re subject to self-employment taxes, you’ll need to...
Click the Pay Taxes link for options on how to pay for your taxes. Select direct deposit for the fastest refund option; if you owe taxes, you can pay these with your return or pay the IRS directly online. See details on tax refunds after you e-file and how to pay taxes to the IRS...
Tax season is upon us and there are numerous ways tofile your taxesfor free, especially if you meet certain income requirements or have asimple tax return. Some programs are offered directly by the government, while others are through partnerships withtop tax software companiesor sponsored by non...
No matter how small your business, you’ll likely need to file and pay taxes. Here’s our guide to filing small business taxes in 2025.