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Key in the number of centimeters into the calculator. Press the multiply key. Enter 30,000. Press the equals key. The result is the voltage required to produce a spark in the gap. For example, if you measure 1 millimeter, first convert to centimeters. At ten millimeters per centimeter, y...
Capacity:Capacity refers to the amount of charge a battery holds. It is measured in milliamp-hours (mAh), or amp-hours (aH). A battery’s mAh is normally listed on the side of the battery, and you can figure out how long you can expect the battery to last using this simple equation...
Learn how to benchmark your Net Promoter Score (NPS) performance, track progress, and see better customer experience results.
Figure 9.Replacing the value of the load resistor into the Thevenin equivalent circuit. The voltage and current figures for R2(8 V and 4 A) are, naturally, identical to those found using other network analysis methods (Table 2). Table 2.Calculating the load current and voltage drop. ...
Figure the total amount:If you want to find the total amount including sales tax, simply add the sales tax amount to the original price. In this case, $50 plus $3.75 equals $53.75. $50 + $3.75 = $53.75 Note that some adjustments can lower the retail price of your item, which lowers...
How to Calculate Board Feet You can calculate board footage, which is the volume of wood the board contains, using the calculator above or using a simple formula. Using Length in Inches You can calculate board feet by multiplying the board’s thickness in inches by the width in inches by...
Home renovation cost estimate site notes the material and installation costs increase with the intricacy of the design and rarity of the material. Based on Remodeling Calculator’s estimated costs, here’s some pricing to consider: Budget: $4.60 per square foot for ce...
Figure 1. Op amp-based differential amplifier. Figure 2 shows another common topology for designing CSAs. With this approach, a current-sense shunt resistor is still used to sense the load current. The voltage developed across the sense resistor is then mirrored across R1and ...
Omnisend, for example, provides an email marketing ROI calculator specifically designed to help ecommerce businesses understand the return they get from each email campaign they send. This tool can assist companies in tracking key performance indicators, such as revenue generated, customer engagement, ...