Carpet runners:Place plastic carpet runners with the spike side up in your flower bed, on top of your car, or wherever cats like to hang out. The plastic spikes won’t hurt cats but will make them uncomfortable. If you don’t like the look of a carpet runner in your garden, cover i...
is a key part of creating a clothing business. When looking to partner with another company, do everything you can to make sure they are reliable, professional, and responsible. If you’ll need someone to send you 200 yards of delicate white lace every month to make wedding dresses, for ...
how to make fritters of Indian corn undistinguishable from oysters, how to bring up babies by hand, how to mend a cracked teapot, how to take out grease from a brocade, how to reconcile absolute decrees with free will, how to make five yards of cloth answer the purpose of six, and ho...
Your family hike will be more fun, and the kids will be more engaged and less likely to whine, if you can create a game out of your adventure. See who spots the most wildflowers that are NOT yellow. Have them write down what they see or even take time to stop and sketch it. (Ar...
Now, we will state right away that if you price your home at too high an asking price or your home is in poor condition, no amount of carpet cleaning, professional or otherwise, is likely to convince a seller to buy it. But, if you have priced sensibly, and your home is well-mainta...
Knowing the area of the room will help make sure that the carpet you buy is big enough without having too much left over. Calculating Area Area is measured in squares (or square units). How many squares are in this rectangle? We can count the squares or we can take the length and ...
you can practice your short game in your own back yard -- even in your TV room. Put out some buckets in your yard at various distances and try to pitch balls into them. Give yourself good lies and bad lies, just like you get on the course. As for putting, your carpet might not ...
You'd think that sod would be sold by the yard! In our area, many things are sold by the yard, and I guess that's why they call them yard sales, even though they aren't selling yards. Carpet is being forced to sell by the square foot vs. the square yard to allow easier price...
The Southwest Coastal Project is planning to move millions of tons of dredged mud, rocks, oyster shells, and other materials to replace eroded land or guard vulnerable shoreline. More than 5 million cubic yards of dredged sediment from the Calcasieu Ship Channel, for instance, will be used to...
The hot wire in the circuit connects to the two ends of the switch. When the switch is flipped to the on position, electricity can flow from the bottom terminal, through the electromagnet, up to the moving contact, across to the stationary contact, and out to the upper terminal. The ...