Notice that electrical cable has labels like "12-3" or "14-2." The first number indicates the wire's size using the American Wire Gauge system (AWG). The second number refers to the number of wires in the cable, not including the ground. For the purposes of this article, we are con...
For example, using natural language understanding (NLU) and conversational analytics to gauge how customers are feeling in real time as they speak to you or about you allows you to see the reasons behind the scores. Is it that your customer support efforts are lacking, causing feelings of frus...
Instead of asking how satisfied the customers are, you ask them to gauge the ease of their service experience to find the friction points and eliminate bottlenecks on the path to the best customer experience.The CES survey features a rating scale or Likert scale where you ask the respondents ...
Some wire (20 to 28 gauge) to hook things together These parts together might cost between $40 and $60 or so, depending on where you get them. Let's walk through a few details on these parts to make you more familiar with them: As described on the previous page, a breadboard is a...
Pro Tip:Gauge your touch. You don’t want to touch someone who isn’t welcoming it. Women indicated touch from a stranger is the greatest invasion of privacy, while men felt the same when it came from another mannchi. If their body language is relaxed and open and immediately closes afte...
How To Get Your Blog Seen Raise your hand if you’ve ever asked the question: “How do I get people to view my blog?” Hand up? Then let’s break down the above steps and dive even deeper on how to get blog traffic. Once you decide what you want to put out into the world,...
Look-through analysis takes an in-depth look at the holdings of a portfolio to not only gauge the portfolio's risks and diversification, but also to analyze where thecash flowscome from among all of the holdings. This allows portfolio managers to better assess overall risk, as cash flows in...
The “dashed” portion of the Great Escarpment refers to the Drakensberg section outside of the Maloti-Drakensberg. Not all mountain observatories are located on the escarpment edge. The less obvious extremities of the Great Escarpment in Angola and eastern Zimbabwe/western Mozambique are not shown....
If you’ve messed up, pass the conversation on (with context) to your supervisor to figure it out together from there. Mistakes happen, and it’s best to own up right away when you’ve made one. The buck should stop with you, however, if a customer requests “the manager” just to...
“You've got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology,” Steve Jobs notably said.“You cannot start with the technology and try to figure out where you are going to sell it.” I think this quote rings true no matter what type of product you are selling...