we’re just kicking back and hanging out, and we happened to have sex, but that’s not really even a big deal.” Because it never feels like a big deal, meeting up with you asecondtime (or a third time, or more) never feels like a big deal either. It’s just light, low...
There is some evidence that changes in temperature or barometric pressurecan trigger a migraine, though researchers are still trying to figure out why people are affected differently. Bright sunlight, strong winds, storms, and dry or humid air may also lead to headaches in some people, according ...
The first step is seeing something you aren't before you are. Get yourself a Dream. And that dream has to be 'So Clear and So Real' that when you wake up in the morning all you have to do is Get out of bed and "STEP INTO YOUR DREAM"! Where Your Are "The Best Revenge Is Mas...
It’s the fancy one, the luxury model Prius.It’s exactly what I wanted. I didn’t have to invest one single dime. I invested my imaginal acts. I did not have to find it, figure out how to pay for it, nor am I going to have to go and pick it up. All of the pieces have ...
Way too cold out. Wind chill’s like -27 Fahrenheit. Probably why the kitty was crying at my dark door at 5:30 a.m. I couldn’t decide what to call her. Jessica or Jennifer? I made up a name.As I took her inside into the warm fold of my world. This was before I was ...
He is also shown to be quite intelligent, being able to figure out Toothless couldn't fly, and thus was an easy opponent. After Toothless defeated him, it is assumed both have moved on and consider the matter closed. However, it is also possible that he is still angry, but just knows...
How to properly care for your ski touring skins: Find out how to change the glue, waterproof the skin and which parts you can repair yourself.
As with hydroponic production, plants pull nutrients out of the solution at different rates, so you can get build-up of some nutrient salts over time that could result in poor growth and even toxicity. To avoid this, every few weeks (or more often if your plant is a heavy drinker) you...
it can also be incredibly destructive to the sort of intelligent, deliberate, intentional processing of the emotion and the pain and what’s going on, and then figuring out how do we come to the table, how do we come to our own individual tables to figure out, okay, like, wh...
Used alone, it can also causewheying off, which is when milk proteins come out of solution to form crystals that are detectable by the tongue and give the ice cream a grainy texture. Guar gum (E412) Guar gum is also derived from a seed, in this case the seeds of the guar plant wh...