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How to find Median To find the median, simply line up all your numbers from smallest to biggest, and then pick the one right in the middle. But here comes the tricky part. If you have an odd number set, the median is just the one in the middle. However, if you have an even numb...
Apart from poem RCs, there are vocabulary, grammar, and figure-of-speech questions that can stump you if you haven’t practised enough. Moreover, the verbal section in XAT also has critical verbal reasoning questions. The best way to improve your verbal score is to practise from past years...
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Figure 2: A body with massmkg Feels a force of magnitudeT. When its weight t’wards the ground Is added it’s found To speed up atTonm, lessg. — (c) Andrew Adams Proof 1. Ifa=b(so I say) And we multiply both sides bya ...
Calculating Polygon Angles and Sides LengthsA polygon is any closed plane figure. It comes from the Latin poly meaning "many" and gōnia, meaning "angle." "Closed,"... Explaining Trigonometric Ratios: SinTrigonometric ratios are the functions relating to a right-angled triangle. As everyone kn...
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They said that, at first, the bodily symptoms were confusing and they did not relate them to a possible PTSD diagnosis. Some described it as an experience of being out of touch with their bodies, and of feeling a need to escape physically by running away or mentally by sleeping: "I was...