Mixue's known for being down-to-earth in China, but overseas, that might not click right away. Mixue's got to figure out how to show off its unique charm while still keeping prices reasonable to win over international customers. So it seems like Mixue’s future depends on how well they...
Do market research in 6 simple steps: Identify your target market, find out if the market is big enough, talk to your potential customers, and document.
Mixue truly deserves its crown of being “King of Snow.” Its net profit jumped 42% to 3.49 billion yuan in the first nine months of 2024 from the same period in the previous year, according to the prospectus. Its revenue increased 21% to 18.7 billion yuan in the period.For compariso...
First things first, let’s define what it means. The gross profit margin is the metric we use to assess a company's financial health by figuring out sales revenue after subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS). Subtracting COGS means taking away all the expenses that were incurred during ...
There are several ways to promote your store and products to help attract customers, drive sales, and improve product rankings. Build your brand Brand building is the process of defining your strategy, identity, and marketing to figure out how you want to be perceived by your customers. Brandin...
Learn what inventory costs retailers need to keep track of, how to calculate total inventory costs, and how to reduce them.
Learn on the go. Try Shopify for free, and explore all the tools you need to start, run, and grow your business. Start free trialTalk to sales Shopify About Investors Partners Affiliates Legal Service Status Support Merchant Support Help Center ...
Total revenue is the sum of the balances of all revenue accounts found in an entity’s accounting records or ledger. Revenues have credit balances and the transactions with the greatest impact on these accounts are earnings related to cash and credit sal
Net sales revenue: The total after you’ve subtracted thecost of goods sold, or COGS (production and marketing costs) from the gross sales figure. Here’s how I think of it: Sales revenue is “the now,” or the state of sales in your current fiscal period. It’s relevant to sales ...
Revenue divided by total number of employees Divide your company revenue for a period by the total number of employees. This figure gives a benchmark that can be filtered by departments or products, for example, and compared periodically to see if productivity has increased. While this is useful...