The resulting figure is your net worth. If the amount is lower than you would like, or even negative, remember that this is just a snapshot of your current status. You now have information that can help you address your financial situation. For instance, if you see you've accumulated a...
If you’re here to learn how to make money blogging, then you’re in the right place. For approaching 10 years now, I’ve been earning a substantial amount of money from my blog (and other websites) through a combination of passive income sources and more active channels we’ll be tal...
is handy if you want to track your income trends throughout the year or if you’re reconciling your own records with the 1099-K. It’s a snapshot of your monthly earnings, which can be useful if you’re trying to figure out why one month was so much better (or worse) than another...
Think of your job description as a first impression. A well-written one not only attracts top talent but also sets the stage for a smooth and successful hiring process. Here's what to include: Company snapshot.Give candidates a glimpse into your company culture and what it's like to work...
Now let’s get into my ultimate guide to taxes for bloggers. Want My Free Blog Business Plan Template? Grab my free blog business plan template in both Google Doc and PDF format (that’s helped me build a six-figure blog) and reach 500,000+ monthly readers today. Enter your first name...
… kudos to you for taking this good decision becauseblogging has a lot of benefits. Fun Fact:This free guide hashelped nearly4200+ people to start their money making blogs.This is the guide I wish I had when I started! With that amount of people online, the scope of e-commerce, onlin...
By subtracting current liabilities from current assets, we arrive at the net working capital figure. A positive net working capital indicates that a company has sufficient short-term assets to cover its current obligations, while a negative net working capital suggests a potential liquidity risk...
The 1% rule can indicate that the property is priced in line with revenue projections—but not much more. This ratio tells you nothing about operating expenses, deferred maintenance, capital expenses, or debt terms. It won’t help you figure out if it’ll be a good cash-flowing property f...
Rising prices tend to increase a country’s GDP, but this does not necessarily reflect any change in the quantity or quality of goods and services produced. Thus, by looking just at an economy’s nominal GDP, it can be difficult to tell whether the figure has risen because of a real exp...
To delete your Snapchat account, navigate to the Settings page and scroll down to Account. Click or tap the button that says delete account. After that, you will have to enter your username and password. You can still restore your account for 30 days after that by logging in to your acc...