What they do: Talk to them at night to fight Skeletron. Name: Travelling Merchant How to get them: Has around a 1/5 chance of spawning between 4:30 am and 12:00 am when you have two other NPCs. What they do: Sell a random selection of items. Name: Skeleton Merchant How to get ...
Skeletron is how you gain access to all Dungeons in the game, so it’s essential. You can summon it by speaking to the Old Man NPC at night. Talking to him at this hour activates a curse and summons the boss to your location. After you defeat Skeletron once, you can summon it again...
The Twins: two powerful robots with different strategies; they use lasers and missiles as well as summon minions to fight you. The Destroyer: This massive wormlike creature burrows through blocks and fires off laser beams at its enemies; Skeletron Prime: an upgraded version of the iconic monster...
The Pumpking - An enemy which behaves similarly to Skeletron, having separate arms and hooked hands which swipe at the player. The Pumpking has three attack states which can be differentiated by looking at which face he has on. State 1 - This state has a face with a jack-o-lantern type...
Fighting all day is great and all, but sometimes you just want to stretch your legs and relax in your world. Building a house is a completely different matter, that's why it's best to use all the accessories you can get. Here are our Top 9 Terraria Best
If you really want to use a gun, use chlorophyte bullets, if possible. Not Helpful 30 Helpful 12 Question How do I get the flame thrower in Terraria? Community Answer You'll have to destroy Skeletron Prime to get the Souls of Fright, get the Arms Dealer for the Illegal Gun Parts ...