pirates often sailed under false colors, flying the same flag as nearby ships in order to gain captains' trust. Pirates used distinctive flags to threaten and intimidate their victims, who would often surrender without a fight. The pirates could then gain control of an undamaged ship without...
64.How to Use the Ninjuto - Ninjutsu Lessons 01:15 63.How to Use a Rope - Ninjutsu Lessons 01:41 62.How to Use the Kusarigama - Ninjutsu Lessons 02:03 61.How to Use the Yari - Ninjutsu Lessons 00:47 60.How to Use the Naginata - Ninjutsu Lessons 01:12 59.How to Throw...
While jargon is sometimes created by only a few thought leaders, it soon becomes an element of everyday life. In cybersecurity, concise jargon makes it easier for those “in the know” to talk about threats and the technology used to fight them. This is especially true when it comes to ...
Fleeing the scene won't do it; fleeing makes it obvious to attackers that they "got to you"; they'll be eager to try again. Silently ignoring attackers won't serve either; in our culture, silence is punishment, and is just another kind of counterattack. Like fleeing, it says, "You ...
In late 2018, the Marriott hotel chain announced that one of its reservation systems had been compromised, with hundreds of millions of customer records, including credit card and passport numbers, being exfiltrated by the attackers. Many of the details
proper functioning of our society and economy. It is almost impossible to imagine life without a robust network of hospitals, airports, power utilities, and schools. While many people may take these services for granted, you can be sure that cyber attackers understand how dependent we ...
and send it to the attackers, and many other things. To make you aware of some, spyware is divided into several types: Tracking Softwaremonitors the system and user’s actions within; Keyloggerstrack keystrokes every time you type, this includes even what appears encrypted to you; ...
And that, I think for a while, I’m not sure that that sort of threat, you know, that this exists, but it did seem to give him a boost, at least in the short term, of a different kind of fight. Like, it’s me against everybody and I’m fighting for you and I’m not on...
Cybercrime is built around the efficient exploitation of vulnerabilities, and security teams are always at a disadvantage because they must defend all possible entry points, while an attacker only needs to find and exploit one weakness or vulnerability. This asymmetry highly favors attackers. The resul...
there’s regulation coming that will require you to disclose events within certain timeframes. Attackers now operate much faster than before; they used to linger and take days, weeks, or months to exfiltrate data, but now they do that in hours. Looking forward, that’s going to become minute...