036 The biology of gender from DNA to the brain Karissa Sanbonmatsu 12:54 037 The creative power of misfits WorkLife with Adam Grant 40:19 038 The most important thing you can do to fight climate change talk about it K 17:12 039 The most powerful woman you've never heard of T....
019 How to turn off work thoughts during your free time Guy Winch 12:30 018 How civilization could destroy itself and 4 ways we could prevent it Nick Bo 21:10 017 What we're getting wrong in the fight to end hunger Jasmine Crowe 12:12 016 How we can protect truth in the age ...
Does your work intend to directly address ways in which we can advance gender equity? If so, in which way? We publish articles about gender equity for a mass audience, with the goal of helping people understand the implicit and explicit bias in the world, and ...
When asking for a pay increase I was posed the question: “You don't plan to get pregnant anytime soon then?” Regardless of what financial support the government is willing or able to provide questions like that are a testament to the prevalence of gender inequality in the architecture work...
In the dating arena, it’s an open secret that White dating coaches teach their students to steal women from an Asian man, as “he won’t fight back”. Asian men have to constantly fend off physical and verbal aggression from White men that you as an Asian woman may not see, and ...
Social media has also become a critical source for the Chinese feminist dialogue, as women share their experiences of gender discrimination, domestic violence, and sexual assault to fight gender inequality. The rise of feminism presents both opportunities and challenges for brands in China. Nevertheless...
The women's movement is a historic reformist movement started in the 1800s to fight gender inequality. Since its inception, the movement has brought about significant change in the global space as women started accessing opportunities that were previously available to men only. ...
Then, have learners research influential women leaders, activists or movements that contributed to gender equality. This could be in their country or globally. They could create a timeline of significant dates and milestones in the fight for gender equality. Then, ...
superheroes who work to fight sexism in the workplace by day and evil by night, hard-boiled detectives who battle to avert crises both public and personal, teenagers trying to build a kinder world free of prejudice. But there’s a fly in the ointment, and she’s wearing clown makeup. ...
Rising economic inequality across Asia is threatening poverty reduction and slowing down the fight against gender inequality. Although the region has experienced economic growth, the bottom 70% have seen their income share fall while the share for the top 10% has increased rapidly. Low wages and ...