When it comes to how to avoid cancer risks, you have to take medical exams at least once a year to discover your health problems and then find the proper ways to deal with them early. Taking regular self-exams for various cancer types, including the cancer of the colon, skin, cervix an...
For men, screening for prostate cancer should be completed yearly after age 50 (45 for high risk individuals), which includes rectal examination and a blood test for prostate specific antigen (PSA). Screening for rectal and colon cancer should be done with a rectal examination annually after age...
The best cancer doctors understand how to treat you as a whole person − not just another appointment to rush through their exam room so they can get to the next file. There are many things to consider before you trust a stranger with your life. The Road to Becoming a Doctor Naturally,...
However, it is important to note that a positive Cologuard test does not necessarily mean that a person has colon cancer. There are many reasons why a Cologuard test may be positive, including non-cancerous conditions such as diverticulitis or hemorrhoids. If you have a positive Cologuard test...
In mice, a diet of tart cherries inhibited both the incidence and size ofadenomas(benign tumors) of thececum, an area at the beginning of the large intestine that is a common site for colon cancer. In the same study, the growth ofhumancolon cancer cell lines was shown to be reduced by...
Heart energy activation improves the function of immune system cells along with all other cells in the body. This will enable the immune system to better fight cancer. Also, the instructions direct the immune system to eliminate cancer from the body. These instructions activate the immune system ...
He looks at my chart, “There is this guy, Chris. Chris with the colon cancer. Chris. Colon cancer.” Comes in, you’ve got “Chris, you have colon cancer.” Right? “Stage 3C.You’ve got about a 60% chance of living five years with treatment.” ...
Beating Cancer Naturally The planet was dwelling within the stress about this mortal creature, ” Cancer. Every single day, a great deal of individuals die of cancer, so it is perfectly acceptable that folks to become more fearful. But, there is one damaging remedy that’s proven to curb th...
These may increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, colon cancer, and breast cancer. So if you’re looking to better control your blood glucose without storing it as fat, you have to improve insulin sensitivity. ...
So what can cause your internal anal sphincter to be chronically tense? In the absence of overt neurological dysfunction, the most common cause of a hypertonic internal anal sphincter is ongoing emotional stress. Emotional stress causes your autonomic nervous system to gear up to fight or run for...