Take a catnap Allowing your mind to wander will leave you feeling more relaxed and in control. 6. Write down your anxious thoughts One of the more common aspects of anxiety is that we don’t know why we’re worried in the first place. Writing out your thoughts is a great self-care...
To fight cat fur, put clothes in the dryer for a few minutes before washing to loosen hair. CAT LITTER Share Facebook Tweet Pinterest Send Email Cat Litter Tip #2 Go Big on Litter Boxes Litter boxes should always be large enough for your cat to cover their waste with fresh...
Why? Having multiple males in your mixed-sex backyard flock will cause your adult males to fight endlessly if there are females around to compete over. Separate pens would be required once the males reach mating age in order to prevent injury via fighting or over-mating. ...
When meditating, it's a good idea to aim for consistency when it comes to the style of meditation; the time of day and length of your practice; and your surroundings. You might choose your favorite spot on the couch or a designated corner with a meditation cushion, Gluck advised. aim fo...
Cytokines are special proteins that help your body fight infections caused by viruses and bacteria. Among other cells, it’s the immune cells that produce cytokines while you sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body won’t be able to produce those infection-fighting proteins. The Nat...
How can I get my baby to sleep? Sometimes, your baby will nod off with seemingly no effort required from you. No rocking, no shushing, no patting. Then there are the nights where your baby will fight sleep as though their little life depends on it. What's more, once she does drop ...
A tutorial on how to bypass Internet Censorship using Proxies, Shells, JAP e.t.c. Different ways to beat the filtering in schools, countries or companies. (blocked ports e.t.c)
Institute an “electronic-free times” to help them wind down before bed. Teens might feel the need to nap and catch up on sleep on the weekend, but these cat naps shouldn’t exceed one hour. Rest well & wake up ready to go! Better sleep gives rise to better mornings, bringing your...
At this point in development, your baby should be sleeping through the night, so you can reduce the daytime naps. They should nap twice a day for 1.5 to 2 hours, with a catnap in the evening if needed, though this depends on how active they are during the day. ...
Horses are prey animals with a high “fight or flight” instinct. With no hard shells or sharp fangs to protect them, they need to be able to get out of a dangerous situation quickly. If they are on the ground, they are vulnerable to any predators that might be lurking in the shadows...