An art as old as time, pickling spans across thousands of years, with different cultures each having mastered a version to call their own. Once born of the need to preserve food, pickles are now commercially made for their lip-smacking flavour. But in today’s context, we still find ourse...
We have the basics on how to make it using any of our top favorite grains we've enjoyed over the years. Culture Starter: Rejuvelac is a bit different than other ferments in that you are not using a specific culture starter, like you would when making other fermented food recipes. It ...
Plus, it is rather unnerving to leave a jar of food just sitting on your counter. As you feel more comfortable inviting trillions of critters from the microbial world into your kitchen, you will be able to let it ferment for a longer time period. To start with ferment your sauerkraut ...
How is titration used in the food industry? Why is sodium bicarbonate added to water? How is a bathymetric profile made? How does groundwater get recharged? How does fruit ferment naturally? How is groundwater extracted? Explain how detergent act as a cleaning agent. How is slime a chemical...
Cacao pods don't ripen all at the same time, either; the pods, which turn from green to orange, have to be monitored carefully and harvested individually using knives on long poles. After the ripened pods are cut, the beans and pulp are removed and left to ferment either in piles covere...
It's delicious and healthy! Here is everything you need to get started canning and pickling your own food.
How to Make Mead (Honey Wine): Mead is super easy to make. And turns out GREAT!! (most of the time) Depending on your Recipe. It can Take as little as a month, years, or even up to a life time for it to ferment. The recipe I will post first is great fo
Remove the lid, cover with a cheesecloth, and tighten it using a rubber bud. The cheesecloth will make sure the cream breathes to ferment. Keep it at room temperature for 24 hours. After 24 hours, it's ready to use, and it can stay refrigerated for up to two weeks. ...
I found a recipe online, and made my ‘starter’. This was a goo of milk, yogurt and flour. Apparently, in days gone by, people made the starter simply by leaving flour (probably whole grain) to soak, until it started to ferment, and this became the base for the starter. But it’...
These good bacteria are used to ferment milk. Sometimes manufacturers add other bacteria that are not considered to be probiotic. Your gut already has thousands of types of bacteria, whose job it is to aid in digestion. The good bacteria in a healthy system stave off any of the pathogenic,...