"In my head I believed you have to have a significant amount of breast tissue to get breast cancer. I thought that was a thing. It was just literally my logic." Luckily, Lauren is now cancer-free after undergoing chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy. But because her cancer was ...
After the first session, you’ll have a better idea about what to eat and whether you can drive yourself to future appointments. How Is Chemotherapy Given? You can get chemotherapy in many different ways. Some are: Intravenous (IV).The chemotherapy goes directly into a vein. You might get...
After you're diagnosed with non-small-celllung cancer(NSCLC) that has spread (metastatic), you'll likely get treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. They may help you live longer and lessen symptoms so you feel better. While you're in treatment, there are...
One of the most common reasons for a dry vag is a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause, perimenopause, after childbirth, or during breastfeeding, but cancer treatments like chemotherapy and pelvic radiation can also lead to low estrogen and a decrease in vaginal lubrication. Chat with you...
By definition, you can't reason your way to anything really new, so you must journey into the unknown. 翻译: 如果你想发现新的事物,千里之行的第一步就是要学会与不确定性共存,并学会接受失败如常,因为寻找未知事物的风险...
Additionally, a lack of smell sensations can be a side effect of prescription medications, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Daily habits can also affect our sense of smell. These are some practices to avoid: Cigarette smoking Cocaine abuse Excessive alcohol Not consuming enough Vitamins A, B6...
By definition, you can't reason your way to anything really new, so you must journey into the unknown. 翻译: 如果你想发现新的事物,千里之行的第一步就是要学会与不确定性共存,并学会接受失败如常,因为寻找未知事物的风险就像成为一名从不系安全绳的高空杂技演员一样大。
Music Therapy and emotional expression during chemotherapy. How do breast cancer patients feel? European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2013; 5: 438-442Romito, F., Lagattolla, F., Costanzo, C., Giotta, F., & Mattioli, V. (2013). Music therapy and emotional expression during chemotherapy....
How often you should test: Every four to six weeks when starting a new medication, then every six months if symptoms are stable. Things to consider before testing: I recommend testing your TSH early in the morning, and delaying your thyroid hormones until after taking the test, to ensure ac...
Another bonus: Getting sweaty is also tied to better outcomes during cancer remission. An April 2020 study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found people with breast cancer who followed national physical activity guidelines before they were diagnosed and after chemotherapy treatment...