This egg carton slogan, designed to fool people who’ve never seen a chicken devour a worm or a frog or a plate of…well…chicken, conveniently side-steps the fact that chickens are omnivores. I watched one of my hens jump 3 feet into the air to catch a moth yesterday. So don’t l...
A DIY chicken tractor is an excellent solution, providing a movable home that keeps your birds healthy and safe. AtMama on the Homestead, you'll find a straightforward guide for crafting a 10'x5'x2' chicken tractor, perfect for breeds like Cornish Cross and Red Rangers. This setup promotes...
Hybrids lay 280 eggs in a year. The best thing about these backyard chickens is that you don’t have to feed them a lot to lay this amount of eggs. The color of their eggs is brown, and the size is medium. Among different varieties of Hybrids, it’s wise to choose Golden Comet. ...
Discover how to construct a no-fuss, tool-free temporary chicken run onCREATIVE CAIN CABIN. Dawn shares her savvy method for making an outdoor space for Cornish Cross meat birds using materials on hand, without spending extra on building supplies. This practical solution not only provides fresh ...
I used to think that raising ducks for meat was expensive. Turns out, that was just because I was trying to raise ducks like broiler chickens. Broilers, usuallyCornish crosses, are confined, fed bagged feed, and ready to process in 45-60 days. They are extremely economical to raise because...
Even the backyard chicken keeper who develops a soft spot for a Cornish Cross finds it necessary to very closely restrict feed in order to force these birds to GET UP and go look for it by forcing free ranging. And even then, these birds don’t tend to live past a year or two of ...
The Cornish Cross chickens do pluck easier than we did the Wyandottes without scalding. Once my husband, has the birds gutted and cleaned, I will bring the birds in. I’ll pluck any leftover feathers. You can leave The tiny little ones if you can’t pluck another feather. I get it....
Maybe get a table top with a sink, to make rinsing easier. Get more Cornish Cross birds,versus the Red Rangers we mostly had this time around. The Cornish Cross meat yield was DRASTICALLY different.Here’s more on our decision to stick with Cornish Cross birds. ...
Then we decided that we wanted to raise some for meat, ordered 100 cornish cross. They are 7 weeks, only 4 with broken legs, and 1 died today I think of a heart attack. We start slaughter this weekend, the plan is to do 50 in the morning and the remaining at night, we are ...
We just got 15 Silver-Laced Wyandottes, as well as 30 Cornish cross meat birds. After having a mis-matched variety of layers over the years, I’ve decided to stick with one breed and plan to selectively breed them for desired traits. I figure it’ll be the next step in up-leveling ...