The mealtime routine can get even more complicated when one or more cats musteata special diet. The reasons for individualized diets can vary greatly. You may need tofeedgrowth formula to akittenwhile trying to keep the adult cats focused on their own food, or maybe one cat has b...
Kirsten McCarthy / Changing your cat’s food requires careful consideration and planning. Having lived with multiple cats at different life stages and with varying health conditions, I have had to alter my cats’ diets in the past, which involved many trials and adjustments. ...
It may take some creativity to prevent food thieving. You might end up having to feed the cats in separate rooms of the house or at different times during the day. Some people even use microchip cat bowls or microchip cat flaps in cupboard doors to ensure each cat is only getting his or...
2. Label Information Obtain all the nutrition/label information from your sources of food, treats, food used to give medicine, homemade diets, table scraps, etc. This label information may be on the bag in question, or you may need to research or contact the manufacturer, etc. This step ...
Home made diets are not for every client. Many clients are unable to prepare wholesome meals for themselves. It is unreasonable to expect that these clients can follow through consistently and accurately with home diet preparation for their pets. During the food preparation discussion,...
Senior cats eat less, so your monthly food costs will depend on your cat’s age and the type of food you feed. Maine Coons do better on premium quality food that is high in protein and low in carbs. Some owners prefer to feed wet food or a raw diet. Remember that those diets are...
These two charts show how many portions you’ll get from different size bags of dog and cat food. Feeding guidelines are a starting point– they can be adjusted to suit your pet’s individual needs. These articles have more information on serving size: How much to feed your dog How ...
When you feed a wide variety of different foods, there is no need to make each meal "complete and balanced". You just have to make sure that your dog gets everything he needsover a week or two, not at every meal. Calcium When making your own dog food, you MUST add calciumif the ...
“Dogs, in general, are social so they really just want to see what is going on outside their ‘world.’ " For cats (and other small pets), fully contained, safe enclosures are generally the better option. Since cats can easily scale many heights and types of fences, it’s hard to...
If your dog keeps their food down and there’s no more diarrhea, you can slowly increase their portions. Plan to feed several small meals throughout the day instead of their normal larger meals.Option 4. There are prescription veterinary diets that work well as bland diet alternatives if ...