And so in general, even if I've got the main idea from a book, I will prefer to just kind of blitz read it very, very fast rather than abandon it completely.所以总的来说,即使我获取了一本书中的主要想法,我也更喜欢快速阅读它,非常快,而不是完全放弃它。So reading faster helps with ... not move your lips when reading. this slows you down. 2. do not move your head from side to side when reading. practise using your eyes to scan③ the page. 3. do not use your finger to point to the words or lines as you are reading. your hand cannot move as fast as your...
2. do not move your head from side to side when reading. practise using your eyes to scan③ the page. 3. do not use your finger to point to the words or lines as you are reading. your hand cannot move as fast as your eyes. ...
How to Read FastReading speed is measured by WPM(words per minute).For an average middle school student, a reading speed should be about 100WPM. To calculate ① your WPM, you need two measurements. First, count or estimate② the total number of words in the reading material. Second, keep... not move your lips when reading. this slows you down. not move your head from side to side when reading. practise using your eyes to scan the page. not use your finger to point to the words or lines as you are reading. your hand cannot move as fast as your eyes...
1.Do not move your lips when reading. This slows you down. 2. Do not move your head from side to side when reading. Practise using your eyes to scan③ the page. 3. Do not use your finger to point to the words or lines as you are reading. Your hand cannot move as fast as your...
1.F. 推理判断题.根据后文Keeping the card above the line that you are reading is also an effective way to control the eyes, which forces you to move forward.将卡片保持在你正在阅读的线条之上,这也是控制眼睛的一种有效方法,它迫使你向前移动.可知使用一张卡片或一张纸挡住你以前读过的东西;故选F...
阅读How to read fast?Perhaps you have been told about some habits which keep a person from reading fast and have strongly asked to break those habits which you might have.Do you still have any of these bad habits? Check yourself by answering“yes" or"no" to these questions:1. Do you ...
HowtoReadFast ReadingspeedismeasuredbyWPM(wordsperminute)。 Foranaveragemiddleschoolstudent,areadingspeedshouldbeabout100WPM。 Tocalculate①yourWPM,youneedtwomeasurements。 First,countorestimate②thetotalnumberofwordsinthereadingmaterial。 Second,keepanaccuraterecordofthetimeyouspendreadingthematerial。 Withthese...
How to Read Fast(高一适用) 高一英语阅读理解题参考答案You will have a lot of reading to do in your grade this year. You cando more of it in less time if you learn toread rapidly.王晓兰山东省临清市先锋中学VIP中学英语园地(高三版)