Many healthy foods can also make you gassy. Here are 16 things that cause excessive flatulence, why they lead to farting, and how to fart less.
food production results in greenhouse gas emissions from the fossil fuels burned to run tractors and harvesters, for example, and from the gases released when cow manure decomposes(粪便分解) and from when cows burp and fart(打嗝和放屁).(除 了使用土地和水之外,粮食生产还会产生温室气体排放 — —...
根据第一段的第二句话 “In addition to using land and water, food production results in greenhouse gas emissions-from the fossil fuels burned to run tractors and harvesters, for example, and from the gases released when cow manure decomposes(粪便分解) and from when cows burp and fart(打嗝和...
“Passed out” instead of “fainted” “Landfill” or “ecological station” instead of dump “Correctional facility” instead of “jail” “Pass gas” instead of “fart” When referring to drugs, people usually say “substances,”“chemicals,” or “something illegal.” Someone could use the ...
Please Pass Gas Responsibly Mastering the art of making yourself fart is an impressive feat. But with great power comes great responsibility. Our only task is to use these strategies for good, not evil deeds like hotboxing your friend's car with farts ordutch oven-ingsomebody in bed....
That’s because if too much gas gets stuck in your GI tract, it can cause uncomfortable bloat that distends the abdomen, Dr. Pittman explains. That’s why sometimes a good toot can make all the difference. “If you’re bloated and need to fart, do it,” he says, “it may not bur...
根据第一段的第二句话 "In addition to using land and water, food production results in greenhouse gas emissions—from the fossil fuels burned to run tractors and harvesters, for example, and from the gases released when cow manure decomposes(粪便分解) and from when cows burp and fart(打嗝和...
Unfortunately, no. Computer chips are an outlier. They get better because we figure out how to cram more transistors on each one, but there’s no equivalent breakthrough to make cars use a million times less gas. Consider that the first Model T that rolled off Henry Ford’s production lin...
You can always tell whether you’re about to release gas or stool. In this feature, we explain exactly how you manage this feat.
—Why do you feel less hungry when it's hot out? —Does gum really take 7 years to digest? The trick, said Levy, is to slow down. "Sit there and talk for 15 minutes before you go back for seconds," he said. But if you do find yourself feeling too full at the dinner table, ...