漫画SAKAMOTO DAYS 坂本日常 17(首刷限定版)铃木祐斗 东立出版 台版漫画书【中商原版】 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#Pz8/PzJwxF/Ka9tu0HHTcQNsj2cuaxdi22qHY7dtg2TXXvBjF20lZy5gc1/tbTc=]
My parents have been living on a farm ever since I was born. Every day of my life I have been raising cows, raising field crops, and livestock. Neither had we had enough time or money to move to an immense mansion or leave our farm. My life is all about working and I can’t ...
None of the family dogs in our sample showed activity during the night, which is in contrast with the FRDD and farm dog populations. Interestingly, we observed that the overall range of the activity pattern of the family dogs was found to be in the range of those of the three other ...
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