If you see a transaction you don’t recognize on your credit card account, even if it’s just a few pennies, don’t ignore it. New charges could be a sign that your credit card number, your account, and your identity is in danger. If you have reason to believe you’ve been a vi...
A CVV (Card Verification Value) number is a three or four-digit code that is typically found on the back of credit and debit cards. It serves as an extra layer of security, ensuring that the person making the transaction possesses the physical card at the time of the purchase. This uniqu...
Phishing attacks aren’t limited to email ortext messaging— these attacks can also happen over the phone. You’re first contacted by a scammer posing as a trusted company or representative to confirm your credit card information. In a scam that targets hotel guests, fraudsters call a local ho...
Set any limits you want, such as credit available or quick expiration date, if your service offers that feature. Write down your card number, expiration date and security code. Make sure to check the name on your card so it’s correct. Fake Virtual Credit Cards Believe it or not, it’s...
Scammers and hackers steal credit card numbers in various ways. Learn the top tactics used to steal credit card information and how to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Can a website steal your credit card info? The short answer is yes. Withphishing, hackers attempt to steal valuable information by impersonating a trusted source. There are severaldifferent forms of phishing schemes, including the use of fake phone calls, websites and sales emails. ...
Skimming your credit card, such as at a gas station pump Hacking your computer Calling about fake prizes or wire transfers Phishing attempts, such as fake emails Looking over your shoulder at checkout Stealing your mail Unfortunately, there is no fool-proof way to stop hackers from making such...
Example of a fake bank text message scam. Source:Reddit But upon further examination, scam text messages always have one or more telltale signs of fraud. Here are six ways to identify a faketext message scam: It doesn’t come from your bank’s short code or number.If a bank texts you...
transaction activity, like a high number of small purchases or an unexpectedly large transaction. Monitoring your chargeback rate is also key—aim to keep chargebacks below 1% of your total transactions. If they exceed this level, it's likely time to enhance your credit card fraud ...
Reduce your risk of credit card fraud by taking a few simple steps to protect yourself when shopping online, in-store, or over the phone.