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Factorise 2x^2+7x+3 Factorise 2x^2 - 10x+ 3x- 15 When given a word problem, how do you determine the numerator and denominator of constant of proportionality? How is mathematics used in nursing? How do you find 5/6 of 48? How can you condense this equation? ln(3x^3) - 2ln(3x)...
Factorise 2y^2 +7y +3 Factorise 2x^2+7x+3 Factorise 2x^2 - 10x+ 3x- 15 How does 9/10 - 2/5 = 1/2? How do I change fractions to percents? How to solve a problem with "3" as an exponent, such as x^3 + 8 or 64c^3 - 1?