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Dimensional analysis is used in converting different units of measure through the multiplication of a given proportion or conversion factor. Learn how to solve single-step and multi-step problems using dimensional analysis and understand the cancellation of units in a ...
How do you use the reverse distributive property to factor 12a + ab? Subtract the polynomials and simplify. (2/7 p^2 - 1/2 pq + 3/14 q^2 + 14) - (9/14 p^2 + 4/7 pq - 5/14 q^2 + 11) How do you simplify algebraic expressions with brackets?
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166K The additive inverse is a specific number, and every real number has one! That is, these inverses occur in pairs. We'll look at what their properties are, how to find them, and the most common applications. Explore our homework questions and answers library ...
it is necessary to find the multiplication factor for the further process in the long division method, which comes by multiplying the first number obtained. Similarly continue the above process, to find the cube root of a number. This long division process is used when the given number is not...
If I have a building that is 40 x 60 feet, how do you find out if it is square? Donagan Top Answerer There are two ways to do it: (1) If you can measure the inside diagonals (from a corner to its opposite corner), the diagonals of a perfect rectangle are equal to each other...