It's VERY IMPORTANT that this swatch be in the same folder as the VRML you will eventually save out of Rhino.If the texture isn't in the same folder as your VRML, GrabCAD Print can't find it and your entire model will come out solid gray (see 'Troubleshooting', later in this tutor...
Once you've got your model as a 3 body STL, STEP, or Rhino file, we can move on to some quick preparation in Rhino. Step 5: Preparing your model for Grasshopper Now that we've brought our three body model into Rhino, there are three quick things we need to do to prepare the mode...
The prime factors in choosing the right 3D jewelry design software environment are the fit to the intended geometry, richness in jewelry-specific features, scale-up and customization possibilities, ease-of-use, and budget. Starting with the suitability to create specific product geometry, solid or ...
If your mesh was manifold and closed, it will be a nurbs solid. Rhino warns if you are using a mesh larger than 20000 faces. I have gone larger, and it works, but for many things, a mesh reduced to around 20000 faces is more than adequate anyway....
P.S. I internalized the region and three points so you don't need the Rhino file. It's interesting that your three points are so far ABOVE the surface points. Normally, I would expect them to be at the same Z value as the region you are dividing. It's more fun when you can move...
Unable to make large parts 4. FDM 3d printing FDM 3D printing technology, short for Fused Deposition Modeling. A 3D printer running on FDM technology heats and extrudes filaments of thermoplastic materials to build parts layer by layer from the bottom. ...
(Side note: I'm using a sphere I created from scratch in Rhino with the "Solid...Sphere..." command. Theoretically, the steps that follow should work equally well on STLs or VRMLs you import, but I'm having trouble getting the renders to show on imported files. We already know...