We then scanned the drawing and used a Processing script that located the coordinates of each dot. Next, we used a custom Grasshopper script to place a circle at each centroid and extrude it up to the 3d surface that we created in Rhino. From there, we just exported the lengths of the...
But Rhino is just a CAD system. Unless we want to sketch and cut all those complex shapes out of our model BY HAND, we'll need a flexible, editable program to automatically do the grunt work for us. In this case, that'sGrasshopper, an open-ended visual coding language plug-in for R...
Now, I could just extrude a rectangular block around that missile and be done, and that might be a good first test for you all to do, to test the process of importing overlapping volumes for printing. But we can make things at least 20% cooler. As with some Community models, this mod...
Infographics can be built out of 3D floor plan views as we can extrude elements to create new graphics or displace parts of our 3D model, then use visual aids in PowerPoint to create meaningful slides that help our audience understand the concept we want to convey. Any of these processes re...
For example, ZBrush will allow for the most intricately decorated designs while being able to incorporate gem settings. When complex pavé, basket, or halo gem settings are required, 3Design will perform better. Rhino’s Grasshopper plug-in allows for mathematically or biologically inspired shapes ...