How to learn Onshape or improve your Ohshape skills. The tool is simple and learnable – all you need is passion, patience and time.
I am trying to make 6 circular holes in the side of the box but when trying to use Extrude on this area of the box (the middle section), the remove option is gone and the face of the box can't be changed, is there a way to fix this or a solution. I have provided screenshots ...
( back to top ) Session 4: Sweeping through a marble run! (Wednesday, June 26) Objective: In this session, we’ll explore two very powerful Onshape tools, loft and sweep. These tools allow us to create complicated looking geometries, like the body of a 747 or the surface of an apple...
If the thread (solid Helix) end needs a run-out I Extrude the end face of the solid>Helix approximately the radius of the threaded shaft. That will normally give a good (visual) lead-out and means you only have the one Boolean (Subtract/Remove) to do.
I'm trying to generate mesh to array of cylinder. I build that geometry with Onshape and saved it as stl files,and use the autosurfacepatch to identify the different faces of the cylinders. The diameter of the cylinder is 0.01m; primary global cell sizes in X, Y and Z direction are ...
You need to know exactly how many units tall or wide to extrude the object. Cutting. Cutting is the opposite of extruding. It removes geometry from an object. For example, let's say you are designing a gear and need to cut a hole in the middle so you can mount it. You can draw...
For me personally, drawing release control and export is the least of my issues in my current workflow. EPDM takes care of that beautifully (and in the backgound on a dedicated 'export machine').Having this functionality baked into Onshape would be really cool, though...So many people, so...
extrude surface thicken add boolean subtract ben_terry323 Posts: 6 ✭ June 27 Matt_Shields said: One solution would be: sketch use extrude surface thicken add boolean subtract...