extracted from the leaves of the rosemary plant, has also been used for hundreds of years as a remedy for many ailments. From use in hair care to the treatment of respiratory problems, rosemary oil is a popular treatment alternative. When using rosemary oil on the scalp or skin, it can b...
“Skincare should be consistent. I always recommend an at-home facial every week, which is my routine. Do it on the same day each week and it should include a good cleanse, an exfoliation, and a mask to address your skin’s needs whether it is to hydrate, heal and soothe, or to r...
Shell garden peas before cookingHow to prepare peas Shell garden peas just before using. Rinse peas under running water before shelling; snap off the stem end of the pod; pull off the string along the seams. Do the same at the other end, and pry the pod open to remove the seeds. ...
Lasagna gardening, also known as sheet mulching, is an easy no-dig (orno-till) gardening method. You should start your lasagna garden in late summer or fall to allow enough time for the garden layers to begin decomposing. You’ll want to allow at least six months before you begin plantin...
Rosemary Oleoresin Extract is an antioxidant that lots of soap makers use. So I decided to try it. It should be used in the proportion of about 0.1% of the total fat and oil content of the soap. I add it to the melted fats after they have cooled down and just before I add the ...
Mullein oil uses are widespread, often as ear drops or topically on the skin. Sometimes it’s even added to drinks or cooked with. Check with your healthcare professional before using. Mullein extract Mullein extract are usually tincture and meant to be taken orally. Like mullein oil, product...
While there are many ways in which to use herbs, one common way is to infuse the oils with herbs. This is lovely in the kitchen, say with a garlic-and-rosemary infused olive oil that you drizzle over a salad or a steak, as well as medicinally, such as when you infuse grapeseed oil...
Originating in Nice, France, a ratatouille is a humble dish composed of various vegetables stirred and stewed together until they begin to melt into each other.
Wipe affected leaves with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to tackle mealy bugs (they resemble a mass of white cotton wool on leaf undersides). Alternatively, tackle all insects with a homemade miticide spray of 1 liter water with 3 teaspoons rosemary oil. ...
Some people like to make their seasoning. Olive oil and garlic are common ingredients. Other cooks have suggested using rosemary, thyme, and sage to add special flavors. Don’t be afraid to try other seasoning mixtures to find what your family likes best. Every family has its version of wha...