Coursera calls having access to the free portions of a course “auditing the course.” I first came across this concept of auditing when I (Dhawal) went to Georgia Tech, where I got my Masters in Computer Science. I got my undergrad degree in India and we didn’t have the concept of ...
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects是 University of California, San Diego 在coursera上开放的一门公开课, Whether you are an outstanding or a struggling student, “Learning How to Learn” will give you powerful mental tools that will help you learn more...
Agile learning.Traditional learning requires an upfront planning process where employees must set aside an hour or more of time to view an online course. These days, allocating a few hours out of a day's schedule might not be feasible. Employees would much rather have agile learning experiences...
no matter how charismatic, I am going to lose interest since I am completely disinterested in this topic. However, if this presentation was made for golf players, they would be the right audience.