Am trying to export results of an azure devops project stats, which will include build succeeded percentage and analysis from the last couple of months. Tried with the few methods as per MS-Doc below.
There is no existing task in Azure DevOps can meet your requirement. You need to use command or script to upload the file to App Gallery(Huawei). Please refer to this Blog for more detailed steps:RELEASE ANDROID APP TO HUAWEI APPGALLERY VIA AZURE PIPELINE Hope it...
Azure Data Factory (ADF) uses JSON to capture the code in your Data Factory project andby connecting ADF to a code repository each of your changes will be tracked when you save them. Also, whenever you publish, DevOps will automatically establish a new version of the Data Factory, enabling...
While there are some limitations to consider, such as inflexible settable variables and stable Key Vault values, the benefits of migrating to Azure Key Vault generally outweigh these drawbacks. Steps involved in migrating Azure DevOps Pipeline Variables to Azure Key Vault Step ...
How to pass resource ID saved in Azure Devops variable group to a ARM template I am trying to create a pipeline from a ARM template that I have exported while doing the operation manually in the portal. The ARM template has a parameter for ImageRefferenceID to specify th...
The Black Duck GitHub Action, GitLab Template, Azure DevOps Extension, and Jenkins plugins create seamless connectivity to test servers, which enables developers and DevOps teams to embed security testing into their existing workflows. Once configured, these plugins run automated security checks and ...
Moreover, I tried to use theAzure DevOps API: PUT{organization}/{project}/_apis/release/releases/{releaseId}?api-version=7.0 But when I edit the "tags" property and send the PUT request, it just does nothing and returns the response with the tags I sent...
While you can upload a CSV with work items into Azure DevOps, there is so much flexibility you get when you import work items using the Azure DevOps API.
How to load Azure Devops attachments from each work item into Azure Blob Storage using Azure Logic Apps
Hi, I'm able to programmatically (C#) call an azure devops API to get all the area paths in my organization. I'm using a PAT that I created. However, this PAT will expiry and don't want to generate new ones every time they expire, even though it can be every year maximum...