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First of all, I'm not an expert - I only know Java, JS and PHP. I was curious to find out how it's possible to decompile a Unity game into a readable language. I'm struggling to understand the .smali files. Before posting this question on the foru...
Write a game implementing Unity IAP. See Unity IAP Initialization and the Sample IAP Project. Keep the game's product identifiers on-hand for Google Play Developer Console use later. Build a signed non-Development Build Android APK from your game. TIP: Make sure you safely store your keystore...
but export it as an Android Studio project.When you build a Unity project, it under the hood creates an Android project and builds it with Gradle (the Android build tool), then it automatically gives you just the APK.Now we want it to give us this Android project, and we will launch ...
small tangent, assetstudio cannot open data.unity3d files--go through uabea and extract the files you wanna rummage around in. whatever uabea extracts, assetstudio should be able to view! 2. resource folder within the apk admittedly im a lot less familiar with this, but depending on the gam...
9_-_How_to_export_your_html5_game 2_-_Creating_a_Flappy_Bird_clone 10_-_Create_a_game_template 11_-_Creating_the_main_menu 12_-_Background_and_scrolling 13_-_Adding_the_player 14_-_Adding_the_info_image 15_-_Adding_pipes
Mobile App Formats:.ipa for iOS, or .apk or .aab for Android Detect VPN is compatible with:Obj-C, Java, JS, C#, C++, Swift, Kotlin, Flutter, React Native, Unity, Xamarin, and more. Select the defense:Detect VPN. Create and name the Fusion Set (security template) that will contain...
First I remove my existing app from the Appstore using the Remove App option on the App Information tab.Then I use the New App option from the My Apps page to create a new App.The following box is displayed when clicking the New App option. My problem is in this step....
To install .NET SDK in Alpine Linux, run: $ sudo apk add dotnet7-sdk InstallASP.NET Core RuntimeinAlpineLinux: $ sudo apk add aspnetcore7-runtime Install.NET Core RuntimeinAlpineLinux: $ sudo apk add dotnet7-runtime 1.1.2. Install .NET SDK in Debian ...
how to measure the height of the text?All replies (1)Thursday, February 25, 2021 9:03 AM ✅AnsweredYou can simply get text height after getting the text bounds .SKRect textBounds = new SKRect(); textPaint.MeasureText(str, ref textBounds); var height = textBounds.Size.Height;...