在Grafana页面的左侧导航栏,单击仪表板(Dashboards),然后打开需要导出的仪表板。 单击顶部导航栏中的图标,然后在对话框中单击导出(Export)。 在导出(Export)页签,单击保存至文件(Save to file), 将JSON文件下载至本地。 说明 如果您将仪表板导出后,需要在具有不同数据源UID的另一个实例中使用,需启用导出以供外...
No ? Do you want to add a Github workflow for automatically checking "Grafana API compatibility" on PRs? No ✔ ++ /Users/hongbo-miao/Clouds/Git/new-grafana-plugins/hongbomiao-mypanelplugin-panel/.config/.eslintrc ✔ ++ /Users/hongbo-miao/Clouds/Git/new-grafana-plugins/hongbomiao-mypa...
Prometheus is an open source monitoring and alerting toolkit. Grafana is an open source visualization and analytics software. Learn how to build a Prometheus Grafana dashboard, using Prometheus queries and Grafana queries.
Deep dive into advanced methodologies to evolve from the limitations of basic dashboards. Enhance performance, maintain a clean design, so you can make data-driven decisions efficiently. For those who’ve ventured into our“Getting started with Grafana dashboard design”webinar, this session takes ...
在Azure 受控 Grafana 的本指南中,了解如何與內部和外部專案關係人共用 Grafana 儀表板或 Grafana 面板,無論他們是否已在 Microsoft Entra 租用戶中註冊。 您可以選擇以受限存取方式共用儀表板或面板,或以公用存取方式共用,來促進與合作夥伴或客戶的共同作業。
A very useful feature of Grafana is the ability to display dashboards and playlists on a large TV.
登录到 Grafana。Grafana 实例的默认 Admin 用户名和密码是admin/prom-operator(无论谁拥有密码,都需要 Rancher 的集群管理员权限才能访问 Grafana 实例)。你还可以在部署或升级 Chart 时替换凭证。 获取支持 Grafana 面板的 PromQL 查询 对于任何面板,你可以单击标题并单击Explore以获取支持图形的 PromQL 查询。
You probably know that Grafana has excellent integration with Prometheus exporter. In fact, it comes with several prebuilt dashboards that can collect and di...
Step 2 — Importing the Prometheus Stats Dashboard This section will download an official, pre-built Prometheus Stats Dashboard and instruct you on how to import it into Grafana. Download the latest Prometheus Dashboard one of two ways:
How to write settings in Grafana-zabbix dashboard Ask Question Asked 6 years, 5 months ago Modified 6 years, 5 months ago Viewed 2k times 1 I'm using zabbix and It was easy to setup Grafana-zabbix by intergrating plugin. However I am totally new to Grafana and don't know what to wri...