AD Powershell command for deleted users AD Powershell script to generate last log in details for a specific user for last 60 days AD User - Update inheritable persmission AD User Creation Error AD User sid AD Users Active For Last 90 Days AD Users Change Company Name AD: Export list of...
Using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDKsimplifies the process of working with guest users in areas related to invitation, user management, license management and permission control. To execute any of the following PowerShell commands, connect to Microsoft Graph with an account that has the correct ...
It is possible to automate the creation of multiple users by using PowerShell scripts that loop through a list of user details, typically stored in a CSV file, and create each user with the New-ADUser command.
How to export the users accounts who have local admin access on their corporate owned devices via Intune or any other way like PowerShell?Microsoft Graph Microsoft Graph A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 servic...
Type WssPowerShell.exe, and then press the Enter key. Type Add-WssLocalMachineCert, and then press the Enter key. Reboot the server. Re-run the connector installation on all client computers. Bind the certificate to the Internet Information Services (IIS) websites ...
Most of the RSAT-AD PowerShell module cmdlets begin with theGet-,Set-orNew-prefixes. Get– class cmdlets are used to get different information from Active Directory (Get-ADUser— user properties,Get-ADComputer– computer settings,Get-ADGroupMember— group membership, etc.). You do not need ...
PowerShellHostName Type:String<empty string>Name of the PowerShell host required by this module. This name is provided by PowerShell. To find the name of a host program, in the program, type:$ Example:PowerShellHostName = 'ConsoleHost' ...
userPrincipalName;UsageLocation;LicenseType;GR;ENTERPRISEPACK <;DE;ENTERPRISEPACK> <;UK;ENTERPRISEPACK>Creating the Source Data File Using a PowerShell ScriptTo create the source data file using a PowerShell sc...
After you've written your PowerShell module, you can add an optional module manifest that includes information about the module. For example, you can describe the author, specify files in the module (such as nested modules), run scripts to customize the user's environment, load type ...
We have multiple users in AD who has a mobile number assigned under the Telephone tab; now, we want to clear the Mobile number for all user. Is there a PowerShell script that I can use? Get all users list from AD. Remove listed users Mobile number ...