A. Because he would lose control of the machine. B. Bccause the machine would explode as a bomb. C. Because the machine was so fast that he couldn't stop it. D. Because the same space would be possessed by oth-er things.5. What did the time traveller meet when he stopped? A. ...
*| explode a bomb 使一颗炸弹爆 炸. Cf 参看 implode. 2 [I, Ipr] (a) (of feelings) burst out suddenly (指感情)迸发: At last his anger exploded. 他终於大发雷霆 . (b) ~ (with/in/into sth) (of people) show sudden violent emotion (指人)冲动, 激动: He exploded with rage, fury,...
We know a lot about the atom today. But it still holds many secrets.Notes1. atomic bomb n. 原子弹2. explode v. 爆炸3. give off heat 放出热量4. electricity n. 电5. ray n. 光线 Man learned how to put the atom to work about ___. Aten years ago Byears ago Cfifty years ago...
An insolvent business is a bomb waiting to explode- how solvent is yours?Mark Gwilliam
The bad news is that Washington has to make hard choices now toavert disaster. The good news is...By CoburnTom
an open wide mouth container or mixing bowl. This mixture will combine to create air pockets and bubble up profusely, so do not blend it, shake it, or store it in a closed jug or container. This formula will release more air within a shut compartment, and may cause it to explode!
My goal is to integrate a Bomberman-like system into the game. By pressing a key, you lay down a bomb, which will stay in position for a few seconds, explode and then reset. I've been trying to get this working for hours now, tried different approaches from forum posts but it does...
He uses the simile: "It felt like I was being driven fast on a winding road." 3 If he stopped and the same space was being occupied by something else, they would be forced together and explode like a bomb. 4 In some mud in the rain.3.再读一遍文章,并回答这些问题。 1时间旅行者第...
The bursting charge, similar to a firecracker, is located at the center of the shell, and the fuse provides a time delay for the shell to explode at the right altitude. A simple shell used in an aerial fireworks display. The blue balls are the stars, and the gray is black powder. ...
The fusion reactions happening in the core are like a giant fusion bomb that is trying to explode the star. The balance between the gravitational forces and the explosive forces is what defines the size of the star. As the star dies, the nuclear fusion reactions stop because all their fuel...