The triarchic and MI theories are both relatively new, and critics have pointed out flaws in both of them. However, they may be better able to explain the concept of genius than traditional IQ tests can. Geniuses aren't just people with a lot of g. Mozart, for example, combined musical ...
So I think science tries to explain so many things around us. And it just makes everything logical and explainable. So with time, then my interest in science gradually pivoted more and more towards an interest in health. Because I realized that health is really the key enabler ...
And because I’ve felt awkward and like an imposter most of my life, I’ve devoted myself to learning new things all the time to develop the confidence I need. When learning a new skill, what’s your go-to method for learning?
If you see yourself as a future professor in the scientific field, take extra classes in astronomy or geology. If you want to train yourself early on to figure out the best teaching methods, you can earn pocket money by tutoring in your free time. You can explain math to your neighbor...
She tried to explain to him what snow was, but Afel didn’t really understand. Sometimes there was rain where he lived, but not very much, so it was very difficult for him to understand what this cold, ice rain that his mother described was. It didn’t matter. Even when he was only...
The notion of incorporating authentic practices of inquiry, rather than strictly scientific content, into science education dates back to the early twentieth century, when John Dewey advocated that K-12 science teachers teach students the scientific method (Barrow,2006; Dewey,1910). In 1957, the So...
Factoring polynomials is the method to find the factors of the polynomials. Learn to factorise any given polynomial by finding the GCF and with the help of solved examples at BYJU'S.
This memorization method begins by visualizing yourself walking through your home and remembering every single detail that you can. It’s also a greatmental exercise. However, you necessarily do not need to visualize, and can physically walk through your home too. In fact, the idea of the memo...
Cho [32] proposed the Dynamic System Model of Creative Problem Solving Ability to explain the development of STEM creativity among scientifically talented students. This model incorporates divergent and convergent thinking as tools of creativity, motivation, domain-general and domain-specific knowledge and...
‘You must have oxygen to live’. The answer was confirmed by the teacher who also took the opportunity to explain that we also need water to live. Then, she asked if the pupils knew what the white balls are called, which no one knew, and she told them that they are called hydrogen...