And just to add yet another layer of ridiculous invincibility, in their tun state, water bears produce huge quantities ofantioxidantsthat essentially neutralize the ill effects of intense radiation. That's why they were able to survive outer space [source:Herkewitz]. These amazing strategies are ...
Watch complete video answer for “Explain how, harmful ultraviolet radiations of sunlight are p” of Biology Class 10th. Get FREE solutions to all questions from chapter OUR ENVIRONMENT.
TSH is a pituitary hormone that responds to low/high amounts of circulating thyroid hormone. If you’re new to thyroid lab testing, it may seem counterintuitive, but an elevated TSH means that you do not have enough thyroid hormone on board and that you are hypothyroid. This is because the...
How effective is radiation therapy for leukemia? How long do leukemia symptoms last? What is stage 3 leukemia? Is leukemia hard to diagnose? Is leukemia a communicable disease? What is biological therapy for leukemia? What is pre-B cell leukemia? Explain the causes, symptoms, and treatment of...
Repeating earthquakes, or repeaters, affecting overlapping rupture patches with a similar focal mechanism, have important implications to track fault slip rates, aseismic deformation, slow earthquakes and earthquake nucleation processes. They are often d
Without Earth's magnetic field, life on the planet would eventually die out. That's because we would be exposed to high amounts of radiation from the sun and our atmosphere would leak into space. Are humans electromagnetic? Humans can generate their own electromagnetic fields. This can be ex...
(tiny particles insideatoms) in the electric current wiggle back and forth along the antenna, they create invisibleelectromagnetic radiationin the form of radio waves. These waves, partly electric and partly magnetic, travel out at the speed oflight, taking your radio program with them. What ...
Explain how radiation can preserve foods and contribute to their shelf life. Explain molecular clocks. How are they useful in phylogeny? What are the two methods of relative dating? Identify and explain the basis for each of these methods and the limitations of each. What does the term "fos...
What can you do to postpone the inevitable? Somehow you need to stop heat escaping by conduction, convection, and radiation.The first thing you could do is put a lid on. By stopping hot air rising and falling above the cup, you'll be cutting down heat losses by convection. Some heat ...
Nearly half of all cancer patients undergo radiation therapy as part of their care. Ionizing radiation, or the emission of high-energy waves or particles, works as a therapy by damaging a cancer cell's DNA. It's an effective tool for killing cancer cells