“There are three areas of study in which someone who wants to be virtuous and good must be trained: that which relates to desires and aversions, so that he may neither fail to get what he desires, nor fall into what he wants to avoid; that which relates to our motives to act or no...
12 And the Lord make you to increase and abound in agape/love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you: 13 to the end he may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his sain...
I have a couple things I’d like to share. If you’re one of the parents on here who hates their child’s tattoos, here’s my advice based on what I would want my own parents to do. Sit down and talk with them; make an attempt to know where they’re coming from. Explain to ...
may be, when the king returned to the palace and asked about the absence of these young gentlemen, no one wanted to face the embarrassment of having to explain the young king, who at that time was only 12 years old, what had happened. This way, they told him that they had been ...
When my moral template was challenged in the real world, I couldn’t explain the reasoning behind the morals I learned at church because I had not thought them through. I hadn’t come to my own conclusion, so when an atheist coworker in the military challenged me about whether heaven did...
To any Christian who is having a hard time in clearing this final hurdle with God, you must make a final decision sooner or later as to who is going to run your life – you or God. And the longer you wait, and the longer you keep from making this final decision, the more years ...
easy. We can see what students are producing at the various stages of its development. This avoids the shock of the final piece arriving fully formed on the deadline day. It affords opportunities to explain how to reference citations properly. Again, the younger we start with this the ...
As much as you know and can effectively explain to others who are wondering, you can not logically explain away the fact that you know deep down that you were created by God. And I am prepared for you to write me off as a religious psycho (though I myself hate religion) but I ...
I am not some "enlightened" atheist or political centrist—far from both. I consider anyone who "knows" their god to be a fool, as all logic and experience tells me that divine creation far surpasses human ability for understanding, both in form and intention. We only know that we don'...
Just 50 years ago, no one knew why the Earth has mountains. Now we do. This is the story of how we figured it out - and how we keep learning.