My personal opinion is that you can best answer the “when and how” question by referring to the golden rule. I believe it’s as simple as that. The golden rule simply extols the value of doing to others as you would have them do unto you. I don’t know about you, but I would ...
Because there is no test to confirm fibromyalgia, your healthcare provider must solely rely on your panel of symptoms to make a diagnosis, while excluding all other causes.
these services must be patient-centred and respond to patients’ needs. However, few studies seem to target patients’ perceived needs, whereas more studies tend to focus on needs assessed by healthcare experts, which are not always
If you’ve been eating a clean diet for some time but your weight isn’t budging, you may also want to considerfood sensitivity testingto remove foods that are specifically inflammatory to you. Many of my clients who have played with their current diets have seen progress in weight loss af...
It's not all in your head. But a promising new approach to treatment may offer relief to many sufferers of chronic pain.
“Interestingly, one my patients is a social worker, and what he’s telling me is that among the things that he’s seen that are not the result of physical strain is fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia used to be a series of points, of which 11 of 18 are required for a diagnosis, but it’s...
Impromptu everyday disclosure dances: How women with fibromyalgia respond to disclosure risks at work. Disability and Rehabilitation [online]. DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2015.1103794.Oldfield M, MacEachen E, Kirsh B, MacNeill M. Impromptu eve- ryday disclosure dances: how women with fibromyalgia respond...
You sign up for a new online course to broaden your horizons and never make it through the first lesson. You set yourself “achievable” work project deadlines and then delay them again and again. If this sounds familiar or too close to comfort, don’t worry. We’re not personally calling...
Autoimmune screening might not be something that you have considered often, but I have to tell you that it is super important.
To our knowledge, the pathophysiology of CFS still remains unclear, and, with the difficulty in diagnosis, the number of patients involved in the illness are believed to be underestimated4. Recent literature had proposed several hypotheses to explain the possible mechanism of CFS, including immuno-...